Security Camera Installation
You Just Found The Company That Takes Pride in Providing the Best Security Surveillance Equipment and Service!
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SGV PATROL is a white glove video and physical security service going above and beyond the traditional old fashioned security company ways by embracing proprietary service tactics that just work! We are extremely, outcome and results focused.
Message from the Founder:
As the founder, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt commitment to providing you with the highest level of outcome based service assurance. Our mission is simple: To hyper focus on your security needs with unwavering dedication and professionalism.
Joshua Quintana Founder, SGV CCTV
Getting security cameras installed at your residence or place of business is very easy! Fill out some basic info and we will reach back out to you with a quot!
Fast & Easy!
we accept the following payments:
All Major Credit & Debit Cards, Check, Zelle, Paypal, ACH/ Bank Transfer
About Us
We'll never share your info your info with anyone!
We'll never share your info with anyone!
SGV CCTV is Trusted By:
We'll never share your info with anyone!